Field Trip Testimonials

Here's What Teachers and Students Have to Say About Their Visit to ESB

A field trip can encourage academic growth, deepen engagement, and enhanced critical thinking. A trip to the World’s Most Famous Building has never been better with new STEAM & Social Studies curriculum and 12 interactive exhibits. See what the students and teachers are saying. Please contact for additional information.

"Having the first-hand experience of seeing the Empire State Building's STEAM exhibits was amazing for our students, and it energized them to learn more about engineering and sustainability. They dove into the lesson plans and now look at the NYC landscape in an entirely new light."

Gregory Fauci, Science Teacher, JHS 123 - The Bronx Urban Community Magnet School A National Magnet School of Excellence

"It was so cool going to the Empire State Building after learning about STEAM all year. We got to see real examples of how STEAM was used to create this amazing building. It made me want to go back to school and learn more."

6th grader, JHS 123-The Bronx Urban Community Magnet School