New York’s Sustainability Icon

Since its construction, the Empire State Building has been a symbol of technology, imagination, and ambition. Today, we are the leader in Sustainability. We are the best, and we wrote the play book by proving the economic viability of investing in energy efficiency and sustainability. 

Our Commitment

Over the last 10 years, the Empire State Building has undergone a ground-breaking energy and efficiency retrofit as part of the $550 million Empire State ReBuilding restoration program. Our team partnered with global leaders to implement the practices and technology necessary to become an icon of energy efficiency.

sustainability Kiosk

A Sustainable Transformation

Innovation, engineering, and experience powered our energy efficiency retrofit, which transformed the Empire State Building into one of today’s most efficient historic landmarks. Despite being a New York icon for nearly 100 years, the building is in the top 20% or better of all Class A commercial assets in the nation.

Health, Indoor Environmental Quality and Wellness

  • No/low VOC materials only
  • No Red List materials allowed
  • MERV 13 filters
  • Regular IEQ testing for the whole building
  • Access to daylight and views on every tenant floor
  • Green cleaning
  • Integrated pest management
  • Private Fitness Center discounted for all occupants

Featured Videos

Greening the Empire State Building
Greening the Empire State Building
Empire State Building Gets Green Makeover
Empire State Building Gets Green Makeover
Empire State Building: Leadership in American Progress in Sustainability
Empire State Building: Leadership in American Progress in Sustainability

Sustainability in the News

Empire State Building Retrofit on Discovery Channel's Green Room
Empire State Building Retrofit on Discovery Channel's Green Room
President Obama Praises the Empire State Building Retrofit
President Obama Praises the Empire State Building Retrofit


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